And stuff. Hello there. This is a tiny semi-secret Gakuen Heaven puzzle TCG, mainly because my wife and I wanted to collect GH cards without annoying the entire world with it. Updates will be posted below!
Be sure to check out the info page for more details. Need a starter pack?
Added 9 new decks... not a ton, but hey, it's something. :p
Added 35 new decks, mostly Okawari and GH2 CGs! This time, I'll be helpful and show which ones are new.
Added fourteen new decks, because I'm crazy.
Added sixteen new decks, mostly GH black and white art, plus a few CGs for each game. Also replaced applet games with new ones that are friendly in all browsers.
Added twelve new card decks, mostly CG images and GH color artwork. :D
Added five new card decks! More to come soon. :3
Added some more decks! Most are in the Okawari and GH2 color art sections, but there's a few others scattered around as well. :3
I've been adding a bunch of new decks over the last couple of weeks, so you'll see fresh stuff in the randomizer. Other than that, nothing else is going on. This is a mini TCG after all. :p
Open for business! Snag a starter pack and enjoy the games!
If you'd like to trade or chat about this tiny TCG, please join the Trading Academy forum. There is a small subforum there just for Secret Heaven, where you can post your wishlists or request new decks, etc.
Or just nerd out about GH. I'm not picky. :p