Gakuen Heaven 2 translations

manga scanlations

This section is complete unless more manga is released! :3

Please note that the work on the Tomo manga was completed while it was running in Magazine BexBoy, so the image quality may be somewhat lower due to the cheap paper used for the magazine!

tomo manga

Prologue prologue chapter ~ from Magazine BexBoy (June 2014)
Chapter One first chapter ~ from Magazine BexBoy (December 2014)
Chapter Two second chapter ~ from Magazine BexBoy (January 2015)
Chapter Three third chapter ~ from Magazine BexBoy (February 2015)
Chapter Four fourth chapter ~ from Magazine BexBoy (March 2015)
Chapter Five (end) fifth & final chapter ~ from Magazine BexBoy (April 2015)

other manga

untitled mini comic from the Animate preorder booklet