gakuen heaven 2

Professor Ito's Special Someone translation

unlocking keita's key scenes

After the announcement of the Bell One, Yuki has the option of asking Keita for advice on how to choose a partner. Depending on the character route you're on, choosing the matching partner from Keita's past will unlock a bonus scene with that person. There will be a little scene in the game itself where Yuki and his partner will see Keita hanging around with someone, and you'll receive a "key" that lets you watch an extended scene with Keita and that person.

Here's what to choose on each route to get Keita's keys. Yes, some routes will give you more than one key, because there's ten main routes in GH and only eight in GH2, so two of the GH2 boys have two keys each. However, you must play through the route until you get the popup notice that you've received the key - you don't get them immediately after making the choice.

Click the GH character's name to read his scene!

key scene unlocked by choosing 'someone who's ...' then playing this GH2 route
01 - Niwa Tetsuya 豪快な人かな? (daring) Takato
02 - Saionji Kaoru 綺麗な人かな? (beautiful) Kuya
03 - Suzubishi Kazuki クラスメイトかな (a classmate) Tomo
04 - Nakajima Hideaki クールな人かな? (cool & collected) Joker
05 - Shichijo Omi うさんくさい人 (suspicious) Sonoda
06 - Naruse Yukihiko テニス選手かな (a tennis player) Yagami
07 - Shinomiya Koji 真面目な人かな (serious) Chiba
08 - Iwai Takuto 芸術家 (an artist) Arata
09 - Taki Shunsuke 関西人 (from Kansai) Sonoda
10 - Umino Satoshi かわいい人 (cute) Arata

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