gakuen heaven 2
game scripts
Welcome to the heart of this site - the Gakuen Heaven 2 game script! Translations by Marfisa & editing by Rahenna.
Translations are provided for personal use only. DO NOT retranslate or redistribute this script. Please support Spray by purchasing Gakuen Heaven 2, and use these scripts to read along as you play. Thank you for reading and please enjoy Gakuen Heaven 2! ♥
Want to play instead of read? Get the GH2 patches!
♥ English patch for GH2 FULL version (added 30 September 2018)
♥ English patch for GH2 DEMO version (updated 30 September 2018)
translation notes
These are general notes about the translation as a whole. Each route may have additional notes as well.
- Lines in (parentheses) are thoughts and are not voiced. All other lines are fully voiced.
- Click the decision links in the common route to expand the text and explore various story branches! :)
- Character routes are love endings only. Friendship/bad endings are provided in the full GH2 patch!
- For the purposes of this script, each character route begins at the Bell One partner decision.
- These translations are OLD and do not match the game patches. They may be updated in the future, but not right now.